Anyone attending, please remember the importance of staying home if you are experiencing any of the symptoms related to COVID-19.
Face coverings MUST be worn at all times with limited exceptions.
**When sitting down and actively eating or drinking.
When waiting in line for entrance, restroom, or food please practice 6ft social distancing.
Please practice good clean hygiene.
When choosing your place to sit, please remember groups can not be larger than 4.
*If you are a family that lives in SAME household, your group may be larger.
Check your surroundings and remember there must be 6ft (behind, in front,left,and right) of your group.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact someone at the track so we can assist the issue in a timely matter.
General Admission is only sold at Gate 1 which is off of Co. Rd. N. Race Cars enter at Gate 1 also. Gate 2 off of Co. Rd. 14-2 is for walk through pit passes only.
Please understand that it is important to follow these guidelines in order to continue our season. Any updates to procedures/restrictions/policies will be updated here.