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Ryan Desgrange outlasted the competition in Sunday afternoon’s 200 Lap Enduro race at Oakshade Raceway.

Jim Sayler and Josh Siebenaler were early leaders in the race with Dan Dippman finally taking command well before the midway point of the race. Dippman appeared to be the car to beat as the earlier leaders suffered bad luck and fell way back in the running order.

Dippman went on to open up at least a 10-lap lead over Ryan Desgrange toward the end of the race. Dippman had completed 199 laps with no real issues and just as it appeared the race was over, Dippman slowed down the backstretch. He went into turn tree and spun around off the high side of the track as he lost a rear wheel. Dippman tried to nurse the car the final quarter lap back to the checkered flag but could only get as far as the middle of turns three and four where he sat up high in his disabled car and watched his victory slip away.

Ryan Desgrange soldiered on for about ten more laps and his car survived the entire 200 lap race to take the checkered flag. Dippman’s 199 laps complete were enough for a second place finish with Jeremy Grover third, finishing 192 laps even after a hard head-on collision earlier in the race.

Neil Shaw went 177 laps to finish fourth and Chris Williams was an early contender until his right front wheel gave out after 155 laps which resulted in a fifth place finish.